Giraffes and Robots paintings and prints are sold at the Giraffes and Robots Studio
Hope Artiste Village Studio #2219 1005 Main Street Pawtucket, R.I. 02860
One year ago, I decided that I wanted to create a studio of my own where people could not only buy my work, but also feel that they were entering one of my bright and happy illustrations. I feel that the media nowadays focuses too much on sadness and misery and my art is my small contribution towards promoting a positive outlook instead. When people come into my studio they automatically smile and a smile can go a long way to making a difference. I realize how powerful art can be in eliciting emotions and therefore my artistic philosophy is to make art that makes you smile. I make art as an antidote to unhappiness.
Giraffes and Robots prints are also available at the following retail stores:
Providence Picture Frame Gallery.
Tulipan books available at:
Poet’s Passage, Old San Juan
La Tertulia, Old San Juan
Aparicio Distributors, Bayamon
Museo Las Americas, Old San Juan
Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, Santurce
Arlequin Gift Shop, Caribbean Towers, Miramar
El Candil Plaza Vilariño, Ponce
Studio and Pop-Up stores:
The Giraffes and Robots Studio #2219 at Hope Artiste Village
You may contact ASH directly for wholesale inquirie, wholesale catalogue and commissions:

Wall graphics – limited edition!
$29.99 each $5 Shipping
Only 15 available in this first collector’s edition!