“I’m Nancy Falkow, a mom, musician and crafter. I’m an American married to
an Irish man, living in Ireland now 8 years.

My workspace – wish I truly had one, I’m lucky if I get anything done
around here! Basically my space is spread around the house. I write songs
at the piano (where I also store some of the sea glass and sea pottery in
different vessels I buy at car boot sales). I write songs on the couch and
create sea glass and sea pottery pendants right there in front of the
coffee table. That little box on the floor is filled with everything I
need: pliers, wire, gemstones and the like. That round plastic carrier on
the table has 18 compartments where I stockpile (in an organized fashion)
and transport finished pendants. Then there’s a 3rd area I “work” which
would be upstairs at a desk where I do most of the packaging and shipping
preparation for my Etsy sales. We could even count a 4th area where I
store the packing materials. To be honest if I had a dedicated room for
writing or crafting, I wonder if I’d ever even go there?

For me, getting the time to work is my biggest challenge. If I have an
hour or two in the evening to create some pendants or write some music I’m


So that’s me! Thanks for asking!”

Nancy’s song “I Wish You Love” appeared on the CW Network’s show Life Unexpected and in a TOYOTA PRIUS commercial shown in the USA. Her Etsy store has beautiful jewelry she makes using Irish sea glass.